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fire+ combustion control

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At home with Yvonne

A cool Saturday morning in the spring. Time to whip the garden into shape. Frozen though, I call to my husband from outside: “Darling, would you please turn on the stove already?” He replies: “No need, it’s still warm from last night!” Thankfully, our BRUNELLO 2 L Groove is equipped with heat accumulator rings. They are practical and save wood!

Storage miracle with style

Green reasons for the BRUNELLO L by DROOFF

Electronic combustion control fire+
Optimum combustion completely automatically and at all times.
With less than half the emissions permitted by law.

Sophisticated combustion technology
The perfect air supply.
For a great flame pattern and particularly clean combustion

Intelligent design
"Form follows function" - this is the golden rule in product design.
That is why we do not compromise on durability and functionality.

DROOFFolith heat storage
Efficient and sustainable heat storage.
For cosy stove warmth up to 10 hours after the last burn.