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  • 180° viewing window made of SCHOTT ROBAX® printed ceramic glass
  • Comfortable combustion chamber height
  • fire+ combustion control optionally available

fire+ combustion control
Optional accessories

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At home with Uwe

An evening in September. “Uwe, I’m cold. Have you seen the wool blanket?” Women feel the cold more, I think, and light the wood shavings in my BRUNELLO 2. She smiles: “Even better”. 

Panorama fire on pedestal

Green reasons for the BRUNELLO 2 M by DROOFF

Electronic combustion control fire+
Optimum combustion fully automatically and at all times.
With less than half the legally permitted emissions.

Sophisticated combustion technology
The perfect air supply.
For a great flame pattern and particularly clean combustion

Intelligent design
"Form follows function" - this is the golden rule in product design.
That is why we do not compromise on durability and functionality.