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  • Single-pane corner window made of SCHOTT ROBAX® printed ceramic glass
  • Countless configurable variants
  • Door hinge on the left or right
  • fire+ combustion control optionally available

fire+ combustion control
Optional accessories
*1 The energy efficiency class A+ only applies in conjunction with the fire+ Puck remote control.

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At home with Lucky

“Woof! Woof!” – I always have to bark twice before he responds. Oh well, at least he knows what I want. The kindling burns bright. Time to stretch out my paws in front of the fire.

Favorite place for fur noses

Green reasons for the LIVERA 2 M by DROOFF

Electronic combustion control fire+
Optimum combustion completely automatically and at all times.
With less than half the emissions permitted by law.

Sophisticated combustion technology
The perfect air supply.
For a great flame pattern and particularly clean combustion

Intelligent design
"Form follows function" - this is the golden rule in product design.
That is why we do not compromise on durability and functionality.

Double check
"How much kW does he have?" This question is often asked. And means: is the stove rather tested with a lot of wood (i.e. demonstrably designed for large heat demand) or rather with little (i.e. burns with low emissions even with a small wood load)? We treat ourselves to both.