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  • Durable firebox floor made of cast iron
  • Large pane of SCHOTT ROBAX® printed ceramic glass
  • Large ash box
  • Closable grate for clean combustion
  • Steel wood compartment door with Soft-Close technology
  • fire+ combustion control optionally available

fire+ combustion control
Optional accessories

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At home with Nele

“People have been using fire since the Stone Age,” says my grandma, peering into the flames. “And now we can even control it on our phones,” I remark. She smiles, selects Eco mode, and relaxes into her reading chair.

Cosy all round

Efficiency > 75 %
Heating power 3,0 - 6,0 kW
Tested for indoor air independence yes (Z-43.12-480)
Door lock selflocked
Fuel Wood, Wood briquettes
color black
Paneling Steel
height 995 mm
Width 485 mm
Depth 480 mm
Green reasons for the ANDALO 3 S by DROOFF

Indestructible cast iron
Wherever possible, we manufacture doors, grates or firebox bases from grey cast iron. This recyclable and indestructible material can neither warp nor bend. And is suitable for temperatures beyond 1,000 degrees! Learn more about ourquality features!

Sophisticated combustion technology
The perfect air supply.
For a great flame pattern and particularly clean combustion

DROOFFolith heat storage
Efficient and sustainable heat storage.
For cosy stove warmth up to 10 hours after the last burn.

Double check
"How much kW does he have?" This question is often asked. And means: is the stove rather tested with a lot of wood (i.e. demonstrably designed for large heat demand) or rather with little (i.e. burns with low emissions even with a small wood load)? We treat ourselves to both.